Zombie of Montclaire Moors Yard Decoration for Halloween

Zombie of Montclaire Moors Yard Decoration for Halloween

Zombie of Montclaire Moors Yard Decoration for HalloweenMy wife and I were on a plane trip to New Orleans when she ran across this yard ornament in the Sky Mall magazine. She just had to buy it for my son and his family who lived in a neighborhood in Redmond, Washington where they loved to decorate their yards for Halloween.

When I started this site I wanted to use this decoration because I knew first hand what a great decoration this is. Of course, Sky Mall had shut down operations so I had to hunt around the web for the product. I finally found one that was being sold on Amazon.

The picture above shows the Zombie as it’s setup in my son’s lawn. They added some bones and a headstone to build the scene, but you can do almost anything with this product. They’ve been putting this out as part of their Halloween decorations for around 5 years now, and it’s really easy to install and to store.

You can see a description of the Zombie here.

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